Shiao-Ping Wang is an Ogunquit Art Association member-artist (Painter) and one of our 6 Showcase Artists at Barn Gallery for the 2024 Season.

Shiao-Ping Wang’s Showcase at Barn Gallery will run from August 7th – September 7th, 2024 with an Opening Reception on Saturday, August 17th (from 4PM – 7:30PM) and a Gallery Talk (along with Painter, Shaune McCarthy) on Thursday, August 22nd (at 6PM).

Learn more about the Barn Gallery 2024 Schedule:

Continue reading below for some excerpts from a discussion we had with Shiao-Ping Wang about her background and work.

How long have you been a member of the Ogunquit Art Association? And what do you like best about it?

I have been a member for 14 years. I like the sense of community of OAA, as well as the diverse range of artworks seen in OAA exhibitions.

Members of the OAA are very supportive of the creative growth of other members. I learn from my fellow colleagues how to experiment, take risks and grow.

What is the concept for your showcase?

The theme of this showcase exhibition is sound and music. In the painting “Ensemble” I pictured the sensation of sounds resonating in an enclosed space, like chants in a cloister. “Whale Song” is a picture of imagined sound waves in the deep sea.

Let’s talk a bit about your materials. Do you prefer a particular material or presentation?

I use water-based media on canvas or paper. I explore different tools and surfaces to see the combinations that expands or defy expectations. In this showcase there are samples of these interests.

Tell us about how this showcase moves your art journey forward.

When I paint, I converse internally in a language that talks to feeling and knowing. I have been interested in developing an “thinking eye” so my work can make visible some of the intangible things that I feel true, such as joy, loss, and connection. In this showcase there are works in pursuit of this longtime interest as well as new works exploring the theme of music and sound. I am curious to see if the work about music a new “branch” of my interest or it will plow a new path in the future.

Photos of Work by Shiao-Ping Wang.

ARTIST BIO: Shiao-Ping Wang

Shiao-Ping Wang Ogunquit Art Association Showcase Artist 2024

Shiao-Ping Wang was born in Taiwan and immigrated to the United States in 1981.

She studied both Western art and Chinese art in New York and earned a MFA degree from Queens College, City University of New York.

She works both abstractly and from observation in various painting media. Her work has been exhibited throughout the US and China.

She has taught painting and drawing in various colleges including the University of New Hampshire.

In 2007 Shiao-Ping won a Fellowship at Vermont Studio Center. In 2008 she won the Spotlight Award for Best Painter in the Seacoast.


Barn Gallery 2024: Exhibitions, Gallery Talks, Workshops, Demos, Auction, More…

Barn Gallery - Ogunquit Art Association

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